Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Question Mark?

One of the radio stations here in Vegas already started playing all Christmas music. Christmas is my favorite holiday and everything that goes along with it makes me so happy! ha ha So the other day when it like 80 degrees out side and we were sweating our butts off in her car(that doesn't have air conditioning). We turned on the station and starting jamming to winter wonderland and Rodolph the red nose reindeer. My sister looked at me and said "Its like Christmas in Australia."

Noa Bembibre’s infamous calendar, “Cats Let Nothing Darken Their Roar” is now available for 2009.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Tinymeat features these really cool wallets, card cases, checkbooks, and passport cases made by different artists. I likeeee.

The Science Guy

Just A Thought: Quote by Bill Nye(the science guy) photo by Dia

Monday, November 17, 2008

Dirty Lip Balm

Ravi Vasavan is an art director and designer in Sydney, Australia.

Yee Ting Kuit

Yee Ting Kuit is so good. I love the bright colors, patterns and textures in the prints.