Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pretty Amazing/Christmas Wishlist Part 2

Thought of my day: Stop by Sarah Gardner

I have a bunch of homework to catch up on and I have to write and edit an essay but I thought I would stop for a second and make a post because all that work its just way to overwhelming for me.

I forgot about my wish list for the last week or so but here are a couple more things I would LOVE to get, but won't.

#6. Camlin boots from Delias. Just really Cute.
#7: Bookcase from Nobody & Co. Between each peg you can fit a book, the pegs can even come off.

#8: Ovetto cutting board from Dot
I'm the only one in my household that really cooks, when I saw this I wanted it immediately. Its shaped like an egg!
#9: Lomo Lubitel 166B.It has a top viewer, as well as a Triplet lens (for 'distinctive' colourful images), manual shutter and aperture controls and some nice vintage-style accessories, including a case and carry strap. I could also upgrade to a flash, authentic vintage film and a leather bag.

#10: The Illuminate Cube. Based on the old rubix cube but added light and sound. It can be hooked up to your computer or music player and its an external speaker and the lights will flash in time to your music. Get it at Geek Stuff 4U

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